Torrent Info
Title Remnant 2 (2023)
Category Games
Size 82.17GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
AkAudioInput.dll 102.50KB
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AkMatrixReverb.dll 166.50KB
AkParametricEQ.dll 130.00KB
AkPeakLimiter.dll 109.50KB
AkPitchShifter.dll 135.50KB
AkRecorder.dll 102.50KB
AkRoomVerb.dll 215.50KB
AkSilenceGenerator.dll 93.00KB
AkSineTone.dll 102.50KB
AkSoundEngineDLL.dll 1.51MB
AkStereoDelay.dll 142.00KB
AkSynthOne.dll 146.50KB
AkTimeStretch.dll 177.00KB
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CS17_Render.bk2 171.34MB
CS17_Render.uasset 1.56KB
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Game version.txt 62B
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Manifests.rar 2.95MB
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Remnant2.exe 539.50KB
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Remnant2-Win64-Shipping.exe 131.38MB
sl.common.dll 640.47KB
sl.deepdvc.dll 182.47KB
sl.dlss_g.dll 425.47KB
sl.interposer.dll 520.47KB
sl.pcl.dll 163.97KB
sl.reflex.dll 172.97KB
steam_api64.cdx 288.41KB
steam_api64.dll 401.41KB
steam_emu.ini 1.91KB
tbb.dll 374.50KB
tbb.dll 374.50KB
tbb12.dll 286.50KB
xaudio2_9redist.dll 827.58KB
Distribution statistics by country
Ukraine (UA) 5
Russia (RU) 4
Bulgaria (BG) 2
Sweden (SE) 1
Brazil (BR) 1
United States (US) 1
China (CN) 1
Total 15
IP List List of IP addresses which were distributed this torrent