Torrent Info
Title Lord of the Rings
Category Music
Size 6.09GB

Files List
Please note that this page does not hosts or makes available any of the listed filenames. You cannot download any of those files from here.
01 - A Long-Expected Party (2014).mp3 111.14MB
01 - Minas Tirith.mp3 167.17MB
01 - The Departure of Boromir.mp3 43.46MB
02 - The Passing of the Grey Company 2013.mp3 108.83MB
02 - The Riders of Rohan.mp3 150.23MB
02 - The Shadow of the Past (2014).mp3 159.87MB
03 - The Muster of Rohan.mp3 85.94MB
03 - The Uruk-Hai.mp3 87.85MB
03 - Three Is Company (2014).mp3 104.02MB
04 - A Shortcut to Mushrooms (2014).mp3 60.97MB
04 - The Siege of Gondor.mp3 169.60MB
04 - Treebeard.mp3 156.89MB
05 - A Conspiracy Unmasked (2013).mp3 54.54MB
05 - The Ride of the Rohirrim.mp3 60.50MB
05 - The White Rider.mp3 102.26MB
06 - The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.mp3 79.34MB
06 - The King of the Golden Hall 2013.mp3 132.12MB
06 - The Old Forest.mp3 71.29MB
07 - Helms Deep.mp3 113.53MB
07 - In The House of Tom Bombadil.mp3 60.59MB
07 - The Pyre of Denethor.mp3 46.87MB
08 - Fog on the Barrow Downs.mp3 73.99MB
08 - The Houses of Healing.mp3 85.93MB
08 - The Road to Isengard.mp3 89.73MB
09 - At the Sign of the Prancing Pony (2014).mp3 74.18MB
09 - Flotsam & Jetsam.mp3 99.40MB
09 - The Last Debate.mp3 71.24MB
10 - Strider (2014).mp3 44.04MB
10 - The Black Gate Opens.mp3 78.99MB
10 - The Voice of Saruman.mp3 81.14MB
11 - A Knife in the Dark.mp3 120.57MB
11 - The Palantir.mp3 82.38MB
11 - The Tower of Cirith Ungol.mp3 130.88MB
12 - Flight to the Ford.mp3 110.25MB
12 - The Land of Shadow.mp3 116.17MB
12 - The Taming of Smeagol.mp3 96.93MB
13 - Many Meetings.mp3 125.35MB
13 - Mount Doom.mp3 113.97MB
13 - The Passage of the Marshes.mp3 94.93MB
14 - The Black Gate is Closed.mp3 86.65MB
14 - The Council of Elrond 256.mp3 176.41MB
14 - The Field of Cormallen.mp3 69.20MB
15 - Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit.mp3 59.44MB
15 - The Ring Goes South.mp3 144.03MB
15 - The Steward and the King.mp3 102.43MB
16 - A Journey In The Dark.mp3 117.71MB
16 - Many Partings.mp3 113.24MB
16 - The Window On The West.mp3 136.28MB
17 - Homeward Bound.mp3 58.58MB
17 - The Bridge of Khazad-Dum.mp3 79.58MB
17 - The Forbidden Pool.mp3 75.62MB
18 - Journey To The Cross-Roads.mp3 62.44MB
18 - Lothlorien (2013).mp3 128.49MB
18 - The Scouring of the Shire.mp3 153.82MB
19 - Mirror of Galadriel.mp3 91.08MB
19 - The Grey Havens.mp3 132.70MB
19 - The Stairs of Cirith Ungol.mp3 96.54MB
20 - Farewell to Lorien.mp3 83.79MB
20 - Shelobs Lair.mp3 69.00MB
21 - The Choices of Master Samwise.mp3 122.61MB
21 - The Great River (2013)(2).mp3 96.13MB
22 - The Breaking of the Fellowship.mp3 90.35MB
durins folk mp3.mp3 78.03MB
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Total 19
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